🥙 Installing Flatpak in Arch Linux

Flatpak great to instll apps in your system with out affect the core OS files it makes perfect to install any app you want with not do a mess in your OS, it could be simple but anyway I will show you how to getting started with flacpak.

🥙 Installing Flatpak in Arch Linux
Photo by LUM3N / Unsplash


Flatpak great to instll apps in your system with out affect the core OS files it makes perfect to install any app you want with not do a mess in your OS, it could be simple but anyway I will show you how to getting started with flacpak.

📦 Install required packages

Install needed package and some dependencies (required at least for me to do SSO in apps like zoom, slack, etc)

sudo pacman -S flatpak xdg-desktop-portal-wlr xdg-desktop-portal-gtk

After install do a reboot to have all in order prior to install any app.

🔢 Install your first App

I needed to install zoom in my work machine, first you could try search:

flatpak search zoom

It will show you the available apps in flathub repo.

🪩Install command

To install an app you could use install command, below example you could install zoom

flatpak install us.zoom.Zoom

🪀 Run command

To run an app use run command as below example:

flatpak run us.zoom.Zoom

🐼 Conclusion

Flatpak is portable and distro agnostic way to install any app, great to use as option if you don't wanna mees up your system by installing apps.