Start a new react-standalone with NX, Material UI, and Design System support

Start a new react-standalone with  NX, Material UI, and Design System support
Photo by Wonderlane / Unsplash

Use create-nx-workspace command:

pnpx create-nx-workspace@latest --docker=true --packageManager=pnpm --preset=react-standalone --name=demo-project --bundler=vite --style=emotion


name value sets the commit email sets commit name
--docker=true Generate a Dockerfile with your node-server
--packageManager Choices: [npm, pnpm, yarn] default npm
--preset Customizes the initial content of your workspace.
--name Workspace name (e.g. org name)
--bundler Choices: [webpack, vite, rspack]
--style Style option to be used when a preset with pregenerated app is selected

More parameters info in official Nx docs.

about preset the available options are:

["apps", "empty", "core", "npm", "ts", "web-components", "angular-monorepo", "angular-standalone", "react-monorepo", "react-standalone", "nextjs-standalone", "react-native", "expo", "next", "nest", "express", "react", "angular", "node-standalone"]

after create the workspace you could create the shared/ui for the Design System library with:

pnpx nx g @nx/react:component banner --project=shared-ui --export

above command creates a new banner component inside the project shared ui, this means that shared-ui is a different project inside this mono-repo, it could be used to create and share components to several apps.

Adding Material UI

Now we have our awesome mono-repo let's add Material UI and material Icons with:

pnpm i @mui/material @mui/icons-material